Initial Findings

This is where you where you discuss any (initial) conclusions you have come to. This is also a natural place to put any and all visualizations that you come up with. In fact, this is where you tell the reader what it is you discovered. You can use the first person if that helps you discuss the process. This is where you both describe to the reader what they are looking at (if they are looking at a visualization) and, most importantly, what your interpretation of the results is.

If you want to add an image with a caption you can do it like this....

![Replace Me, Sample Image](imgs/caesarian_code.png)
*Put a caption to your image here, if you want*

Whether you turn your visualizations into static pictures and put them here or embed them, you MUST discuss your visualizations adequately. That means that whoever is the visualization expert must explain what they think the visualization means. You should explain anything that is not self-apparent from the picture alone. Moreover, you should at least comment on whether you think you can draw broader conclusions from any of the visualizations, either when considered individually or all together.

If your project was less visualization-centric, this is where you at least explain in plain words what you learned through the process of non-visual analysis. For example, if you used text mining not for visualization purposes, but to help you manually find interesting threads of conversation in a body of documents.

You should also make sure to be a cautious scholar, and to think about the limitations of what the visualizations can actually tell you. As indicated by the section name, you are not expected to make hard conclusions that upend serious historical debates. Rather, this is a place to explore what might be learned from visual exploration.

You must also comment on where you would go next. If these are initial findings, where do you think the best profit would be for any future attempts. This is also where you can talk about pitfalls that limited your ability to learn more about the topic. How might future projects overcome these difficulties?